Since 1943, the Canadian Home Builders' Association has been "the voice of Canada's residential construction industry"—one of the most vital and enterprising industries in Canada. Representing more than 8,000 member firms across Canada, CHBA members come from every area of Canada's housing industry - new home builders, renovators, land developers, trade contractors, product and material manufacturers, building product suppliers, lending institutions, insurance providers, service professionals and others.
The Canadian Home Builders' Association is built on a vision and commitment - a vision of a strong and positive role for the housing industry, and a commitment to support the business success of our members and their ability to provide affordability, quality and choice for consumers.
Achieving a stable business environment for our members. The CHBA is committed to a fair and competitive marketplace, where all members have the opportunity to operate their business profitably.
Promoting and protecting the interests of consumers. The CHBA believes that all Canadians have the right to decent, safe and appropriate housing. We also believe that all Canadians have the right to a reasonable opportunity to own a home.
Supporting the professionalism of our members. Skills, experience and integrity are the cornerstones of professionalism. CHBA provides members with opportunities to learn, grow and take pride in what they do. We believe that the CHBA logo is the sign of Canada's home building professionals.
The Canadian Home Builders' Association exists to serve the interests of our industry and to help our members succeed and prosper.
In a constantly evolving business environment, the CHBA is the industry's agent for positive change. We keep a constant eye on the regulatory environment and the marketplace. We develop clear, practical positions on issues that matter to the industry and our consumers. We make sure that our voice is heard, loud and clear, and that we reach and influence decision-makers at all levels of government. Here are some of the issues we are working on, on behalf of our members:
The Canadian Home Builders' Association is one association representing the residential construction industry and serving our members at three levels. When you join the CHBA in your area, you automatically become a member at the local, provincial and national levels.
Locally. Municipal government liaison, monthly meetings, industry seminars, professional development, marketing campaigns, awards programs…members have many opportunities to have their voice heard by government, make business contacts, stay informed and build recognition with consumers.
Provincially. The Association deals with a wide range of provincial government regulations and policies that affect members, their businesses and their customers—from codes and standards, to health and safety, infrastructure financing, the environment and consumer protection. Provincial conferences and awards programs give members an opportunity to meet and network with peers from across the province.
Nationally. At the national level, the CHBA represents and serves the entire membership from coast to coast. For instance, we advocate the interests of the housing industry with the federal government and inter-governmental bodies. We create alliances with private and public research agencies to promote solutions, innovation and demonstration projects. We join forces with national partners on marketing activities to inform consumers and promote professional new home builders and renovators.
We act as a forum for information sharing for our local and provincial HBAs and members, we constantly report to our members on important national issues, and our annual national conference brings members together from across the country.
If you are interested in becoming a member please contact us.